Career Clusters
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, Architecture and Construction, Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications, Business, Management, and Administration, Finance, Government and Public Administration, Hospitality and Tourism, Information Technology, Marketing, Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
The Finishing Trades Institute of the Upper Midwest (FTIUM) is an Apprenticeship, College, and CTE program part of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT).
Career Clusters
3205 Country Dr
Little Canada, Minnesota 55117
Little Canada, Minnesota 55117
Career Clusters
We like to think of ourselves as being an awesome anomaly, an oasis of fun and confidence in the middle of so much competition. But it all starts right here where we work. We get up, we ride scooters, and we sell fun stuff around the world, every single day. It's hard to imagine, because it's the job we all wanted to have when we were eight, but didn't think could really exist! Well, we're happy to say that it's true and does, indeed, exist. Because we're dedicated to doing something so different, so unique, and so fun, we work hard and take a lot of pride in everything we do. That's the way.
We call it being fun–of–a–kind!
We call it being fun–of–a–kind!
Career Clusters
2080 Lookout Drive
North Mankato, Minnesota 56003
North Mankato, Minnesota 56003
This is an example account for FutureForward™. If you are seeing this and have questions please contact Mike Schnell, Statewide FutureForward™ Coordinator, by utilizing the email form on this website.
Career Clusters
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, Architecture and Construction, Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications, Business, Management, and Administration, Education and Training, Finance, Government and Public Administration, Health Science, Hospitality and Tourism, Human Services, Information Technology, Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security, Manufacturing, Marketing, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
210 Wood Lake Drive SE
Rochester, Minnesota 55904
Rochester, Minnesota 55904
This is an example account for FutureForward™. If you are seeing this and have questions please contact Mike Schnell, Statewide FutureForward™ Coordinator, by emailing [email protected] or by utilizing the email form on this website.
Career Clusters
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, Architecture and Construction, Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications, Business, Management, and Administration, Education and Training, Finance, Government and Public Administration, Health Science, Hospitality and Tourism, Human Services, Information Technology, Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security, Manufacturing, Marketing, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics