About FutureForward™

FutureForward™, an online tool created to connect Minnesota students and classrooms with local employers to positively impact future workforce and post-secondary decisions.

Students connect with local business professionals and mentors in a streamlined manner to internships, job shadows, mock interviews, mentorships and more.

Educators connect with employers to engage in experiential career-connected learning opportunities for awareness, in-person/virtual guest speakers, and application of coursework in real world settings.

Employers provide skill-based opportunities that support professional development and talent retention, attract and develop a talent pipeline, and leverage young people’s innovative and diverse ideas.
Upcoming Events

Career Clusters

Business, Management, and Administration
- Marketing
- Business, Management, and Administration
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Finance
Human Services
- Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
- Government and Public Administration
- Human Services
- Education and Training
Engineering, Manufacturing, and Technology
- Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
- Architecture and Construction
- Manufacturing
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
- Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Arts, Communications, and Information Systems
- Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications
Health Science Technology
- Health Science

Impact Your Ability to Fill Future Positions with Qualified Employees
Employers establish relationships with students and build partnerships with local schools that demonstrate real-world application of the content taught in the classroom. As a business, you have a variety of ways you can choose to help youth build confidence in career choices, expand their network, ask key questions, and practice employability skills. It’s free to join the employer directory, and you adjust your level of involvement based on expertise, interest, and internal capacity.
Students Explore Potential Careers in a New Way
You need to see for yourself how your learning and education choices fit into the bigger picture of your life and future work. What you will someday consider your “best job” might not be known to you yet, so how could you possibly know to ask about it? FutureForward™ will help you be more aware of your options and talk to people who can answer your questions. Search the business directory on your own, with a parent, or school guidance counselor so you know what you need to do next.