The Military Science and Leadership Department offers a program enabling students/Cadets to compete for a commission as an officer in the United States Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. The four-year Army ROTC curriculum develops the student’s leadership, managerial and organizational abilities. Leadership skills acquired through ROTC and the practical application of skills provided in the program transfer easily to civilian career goals.
316 Wiecking Center
Mankato, MN 56001
Mankato, MN 56001
The Minnesota Career Information System (MCIS) is a comprehensive online career exploration system that operates as a small non-profit. MCIS offers career, educational and labor market information in one, easy-to-use tool. MCIS includes: career interest, employability skill and learning style self-surveys; information on colleges and programs of study; short term-training, apprenticeship and employment resources. Students use their MCIS portfolio to plan and view progress toward goals and create a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) (Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.125). Optional test prep packages, like college entrance (ACT/SAT) and placement (Accuplacer), can be added for an additional fee.
Career Clusters
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, Architecture and Construction, Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications, Business, Management, and Administration, Education and Training, Finance, Government and Public Administration, Health Science, Hospitality and Tourism, Human Services, Information Technology, Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security, Manufacturing, Marketing, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
400 Stinson Blvd NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Minneapolis, MN 55413
At the Minnesota Department of Corrections, we work to transform lives for a safer Minnesota. With a focus on public safety, the well-being of approximately 4,200 employees, and the safety and security of the people committed to our custody, we prioritize strategies that hold people accountable for the offenses they commit while giving them the tools they need to succeed as they transition back to their communities.
The Department of Labor and Industry ensures Minnesota's work and living environments are equitable, healthy and safe. The agency oversees the state's programs for apprenticeship, construction codes and licensing, dual-training pipeline, occupational safety and health, wage and hour standards, workers' compensation and youth skills training programs.
Career Clusters
Transportation is about connecting people to family, friends and community. Everyone who lives in or passes through our state is impacted by our transportation system. Whether traveling to a school, retail or grocery store, sporting event, clinic, place of work or special event, our lives are touched nearly every day by our access to transportation. Delivering a dependable and high-quality transportation system relies upon a skilled and culturally competent workforce. The state’s competitive employment market drives us to seek new opportunities to build, grow and engage our workforce. Our team members are proud to serve the public every day. We are committed to investing in their growth and creating a workplace where everyone can contribute their best.
Employee Recruitment Strategies:
*Deploy a robust, statewide recruitment effort to promote our employment opportunities and expand our candidate pool particularly for underrepresented groups
*Implement a framework for selection of diverse talent that uses a comprehensive approach and mitigates unconscious bias in our processes
Employee Recruitment Strategies:
*Deploy a robust, statewide recruitment effort to promote our employment opportunities and expand our candidate pool particularly for underrepresented groups
*Implement a framework for selection of diverse talent that uses a comprehensive approach and mitigates unconscious bias in our processes
Transportation Building; Central Office; 395 John Ireland Blvd; Saint Paul, MN 55155
Roseville, Minnesota 55113
Roseville, Minnesota 55113
Tech is a high demand and growing career field in Minnesota.
You can start a job in I.T. with or without a college degree. Let the ITCOE help you find the path that works for you and your life.
I.T. jobs offer the unmatched potential of attractive pay, flexible work conditions, and constant growth opportunities. The I.T. Center of Excellence is here to help Minnesota youth and adults find tech careers that are a perfect fit through low or no-cost resources and programming.
You can start a job in I.T. with or without a college degree. Let the ITCOE help you find the path that works for you and your life.
I.T. jobs offer the unmatched potential of attractive pay, flexible work conditions, and constant growth opportunities. The I.T. Center of Excellence is here to help Minnesota youth and adults find tech careers that are a perfect fit through low or no-cost resources and programming.
Career Clusters
700 East 7th Street
St. Paul, MN 55106
St. Paul, MN 55106
The Minnesota State Center of Excellence promotes connectivity between industry and Minnesota State colleges and universities. We facilitate relationships by engaging academic institutions with industry and provide educational outreach by inspiring interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
Our belief is that these efforts will shape the next generation of engineers who will solve real-world problems. We also work to foster accessibility to the latest technologies, workforce programs, and post-secondary education. We enhance services and activities, to recruit/retain a more diverse student population to better reflect Minnesota’s changing demographics.
Our belief is that these efforts will shape the next generation of engineers who will solve real-world problems. We also work to foster accessibility to the latest technologies, workforce programs, and post-secondary education. We enhance services and activities, to recruit/retain a more diverse student population to better reflect Minnesota’s changing demographics.
131 Trafton Science Center North
Mankato, MN 56001
Mankato, MN 56001
The Minnesota National Guard is under state jurisdiction and can be used by the governor to assist the state during disasters and other state emergencies. In times of war, Minnesota National Guard Soldiers and Airmen can be called into federal active service with the president of the United States as commander in chief.
1221 3rd Ave SW
Rochester, MN 55904
Rochester, MN 55904
District 6 at the Minnesota of Department of Transportation is an 11-county district in southeast Minnesota. Our 435 district employees work in jobs that plan, design, construct and maintain 3,755 lane miles and 867 bridges on state and federal highways. We manage state aid to cities and counties for transportation that qualify. MnDOT also has a role in transit, trails, rail, airports and shipping ports.
MnDOT requires a range of people for jobs with technical, professional, specialized and general skills, and opportunities to learn, grow and advance in the district or beyond within our 5,400-employee statewide organization.
MnDOT requires a range of people for jobs with technical, professional, specialized and general skills, and opportunities to learn, grow and advance in the district or beyond within our 5,400-employee statewide organization.
Career Clusters
2900 48th St NW
Rochester, MN 55901
Rochester, MN 55901